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• Maximizing Sales
• Lime POP Materials
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Know Your Customers: Demographic studies show that 33% of customers purchased limes within the last 12 months. 47% of those who purchased limes were Hispanic. More Demographics >

Consumer Needs: A large portion of shoppers are spending less time in the grocery store and in the kitchen so it is important to accommodate their needs. Easy-to-grab recipe cards provide recipes that are easy to prepare.

Dramatic Displays: Mound aromatic limes in large displays. Consider grouping with other tropical fruit for special occassions, such as Cinco De Mayo.

Demonstrations: Have a demonstrator display recipes such as our famous Low Fat Key Lime Pie. There are many recipes in our library to choose from!

Information: On-shelf labels or signs can give brief descriptions of each lime variety on display, along with useful tips such as "Store limes in your refrigerator". Our recipe cards and lime bags (shown below) show consumers how to use limes and provide nutritional information.

Recipe for Key Lime Pie on our lime bags

Creative Pricing: Introduce a two-variety program. For instance, merchandise large limes at a profitable price while promoting smaller (key) limes with multiple pricing (e.g. 15 for a dollar). Be careful not to price the limes too low! Research shows that customers question the quality of the produce when prices are slashed drastically.

Impulse Purchases: 73% of shoppers enter the store with a list but 70% buy items they had not planned on purchasing, highlighting the importance of dramatic displays, demonstrations, POP materials and creative pricing.
(Statistics source: Fresh Trends 2003)


Please feel free to contact us for more information about increasing your lime sales.


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